Selina Wilson
Reconnecting to the physical body for the mind’s wellbeing
Remedial Massage Therapist
0400 546 290
Selina Wilson
Reconnecting to the physical body for the mind’s wellbeing
Remedial Massage Therapist
0400 546 290
Selina Wilson
Reconnecting to the physical body for the mind’s wellbeing
Remedial Massage Therapist
0400 546 290
Healing Well
Health and wellness centre
Emily Wilson
Gentle Chiropractor
0447 668 775
“How lovely that letting go happens in the body… how lovely to not have to figure it out in words and to be free by something as simple as breathing or relaxing into the space around your heart.”
~Musings from the Moon~

In a world where overstimulation and the speed at which daily life takes place can be overwhelming, Emily brings a style of chiropractic for all ages that reflects her desire for a slower pace of life. Emily’s gentle care aims to restore balance and connection between the brain and body, activating “rest and digest” (the Parasympathetic Nervous System) and shifting the body from “fight and flight” (the Sympathetic Nervous System) to a more peaceful state.
She uses a blend of low force techniques (including Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT), Activator, and Network) to provide relief and bring a higher awareness to the body. Emotionally, spiritually and physically, the body is made up of many parts and by taking a holistic, patient-centred approach, Emily aims to bring these parts together, creating harmony through the whole system.
When Emily graduated from RMIT in 2015, she wanted to return the rural lifestyle that she had grown up with and found her dream practice in Healing Well. Her time in Castlemaine and previous experience treating members of the community in India has given her the ability, empathy and compassion to develop a space that allows others to express, share and be.
Emily prefers a gentler form of chiropractic and she enjoys sharing this experience with others: the time and space to consider and integrate, to simplify life and develop a deeper appreciation for the land and where we come from.
In her spare time, Emily likes to grow fresh flowers, fruit and vegetables, make wholesome food, play an active role in her church community and explore the local environment with her husband Ben. Through his heritage, she has grown to love Canadian culture, especially Toronto Maple Leafs hockey and pie!
RMIT Bachelor of Health Science (BHSc(Chiro))
RMIT Masters of Clinical Chiropractic (MClinChiro)
Registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
“… to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God.”
– Micah 6:8