Disruptive at School…or a Right-Brain Learner?
I had a wonderful morning recently visiting the WholeBrain Workout in Bendigo. This centre is a teaching resource inspired by children who are struggling at school. Children who are having a hard time learning is not a new phenomenon, but it seems to be a growing problem. Many of these children may be labelled dyslexic, apraxic, learning challenged, disruptive even ADHD or having oppositional defiance disorder.
At WholeBrain Workout they suggest that many such children may be right brain learners. Some of the features of a right brain learner may include: creativity, sensitivity, taking in information most easily by listening or watching, having a need to move and express themselves physically, being easily overwhelmed by the classroom, and preferring a quiet environment or smaller groups. They may appear disorganised and forgetful.
The dedicated group of women who are staffing the WholeBrain Workout centre are developing innovative ways to help children make the most sense of a particularly tough language to read and write – English – and they are getting good results.
They acknowledge the importance of sleep, water and good food as part of a child’s wellbeing and capacity to learn.
As a chiropractor and a mother, I’m continually reminded of the expression that it takes a community to raise a child. That could be applied equally to a child’s education. Attention to the child’s physical and structural balance, nutrition, stress levels and amount of screen and computer time may all make a vast difference to your child’s capacity to absorb and process information. If your child is a right-brain learner you may need to find new ways of offering information and teaching literacy skills.
For further information check out WholeBrain Workout at www.wholebrainworkout.com.au
Wellness Tip: If you feel you have a right brain learner at home who is struggling at school with literacy, numeracy and concentration, make sure they are drinking enough water and that they have a good balanced diet avoiding sugars and food colours, flavours and preservatives. Stress inhibits learning and thinking, so make sure that the stress they are under is minimised.