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About Healing Well

By Rima Truchanas

Healing Well is a multidisciplinary health and wellness centre in Castlemaine. It was established in 2010 by a small group of practitioners who recognised the value of peer mentoring in a small regional town. Over time, the group discussed professional development and strategies for sustainable work practices. We wanted to collaborate, share ideas and resources and make a contribution to our community.

Our region is richly endowed with numerous talented health practitioners. Healing Well has become the focal point for a dynamic group of these skilful people. Peer mentoring gatherings occur regularly to enable cross-pollination of ideas and experience.

The core group of Healing Well practitioners co-manage the centre, and meet regularly to discuss and guide the centres operation. Marg Peck, Selina Wilson, Rima Truchanas and Sonia Stocco have developed a warm and practical approach to their business.

We extend our thanks to the community and other health practitioners for their support and encouragement. The Healing Well space is a relaxed nurturing environment at 147Mostyn Street, Castlemaine.

1 commentaire

Marleen Westwood
Marleen Westwood
13 avr. 2021

I have Tendernitis both arms can you help


Healing Well

147 Mostyn Street
Castlemaine Vic 3450

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