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Seasonal rhythms

By Rima Truchanas

If you currently feel to stay at home quietly more often, you’re in tune with the biorhythms of the seasons. Our body patterns synchronise with the natural rhythms of our environment.

As the autumn slows and cycles complete, we take a breath in with the earth, as it inhales and prepares for more inward and restorative mood.

Focus on nurturing yourself and others. Autumn is the beautiful season of harvest. If enough rain has fallen, fruit and vegies ripen, and some people are squirreling away in the kitchen, bottling fruits, preserves and jams. Clear your clutter and use the old to generate the new.

Now is a great time to de-congest your life, free up your energy and enable shifts and changes. Reflect on your dreams in preparation for the expansive energy of spring. Prune to encourage new growth. Compost your garden waste to promote fertility.

After the summer, dryness in country reflects in the dryness of our skin. Drink plenty of water, to keep your whole body hydrated and moist, even though the heat is over. Eat moistening foods like tofu, tempeh, spinach, barley, apples, pears, honey, nuts, seeds, seaweed and mushrooms. Shift from salads to baking and slow cooking methods.

Stay active and keep your lungs strong…regular walks and bike rides strengthen the immune system, and attune you to changing temperatures. This helps keep the colds and flus away.

Eat warm pungent foods to benefit the lungs. Include bay leaves, capers, cardamom, chives, cinnamon and cloves. Also try sauerkraut, dill, fenugreek, fennel, leeks and rosemary. If you have a recurring lung condition, it may resurface in autumn. Take the opportunity to fully resolve it this time, using acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine.

For gentle and effective treatment strategies for whole family health, call Rima Truchanas, at Healing Well on 0408 407403


Healing Well

147 Mostyn Street
Castlemaine Vic 3450

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